Do I need consent from Council?

To find out if your development needs consent, you should first look at the zoning tables in the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 and state environmental planning policies for the area of your proposed development.

You can enter your property address in the NSW Planning Portal to see which planning constraints and zoning rules affect your property. 

All development falls into one of the following categories:

  • development that does not need consent
  • development that needs consent
  • development that is prohibited.

What is the approval pathway for my proposal?

There are nine different planning approval pathways in New South Wales. The size and scale of your development generally determines which assessment pathway is appropriate.

Detailed information about the nine planning approval pathways is available from the NSW Planning Portal.

Exempt development

Many minor home renovations and small building projects such as the erection of a carport, balcony, deck or garden shed don’t need a planning or building approval. These types of projects are called exempt development.

As long as your building project meets specific development standards and land requirements, no planning or building approval is needed.

Complying development

Other straightforward, low-impact residential, commercial and industrial developments that do require planning approval may qualify for a fast-track approval process known as complying development.

If your application meets specific standards and land requirements, you can obtain a Complying Development Certificate from Council or an accredited private certifier without the need for a full development application.

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