Household waste

Kempsey Shire Council is committed to helping you manage your household waste efficiently and responsibly.

Standard service

All households with a waste collection service in the Kempsey Shire have three bins. The standard waste collection service is:

  • one 240-litre green bin for food and garden organics, collected weekly
  • one 240-litre yellow bin for recycling, collected fortnightly
  • one 240-litre red bin for rubbish, collected fortnightly.

Smaller, 140-litre green and red bins are available on request. You can also request a larger, 360-litre yellow bin. Phone the Waste Hotline on 1300 342 207.

Did you know?

  • On average, 6100 tonnes of red bin waste is collected annually.
  • The state waste levy charge for putting red bin waste in landfill costs the Kempsey community about $475,000 each year.
  • Disposing of waste in the red bin is more than twice as expensive as using the yellow or green bins.

By sorting your waste correctly at home, you can help save money and look after the environment. For tips on the best way to dispose of your rubbish, including hazardous items, read Which Bin? An A to Z Guide.


MidWaste Annual Report

MidWaste is a voluntary regional waste group of six councils on the Mid North Coast, of which Kempsey Shire Council is a member. Together, member councils aim to deliver efficient and effective waste services and infrastructure with an increasing focus on resource recovery and circular solutions. The annual report is a snapshot of MidWaste's achievements. 

MidWaste-Annual-Report-2020-2021_Nov-21.pdf(PDF, 10MB)