Have you received your most recent Rates Notice?

Published on 09 February 2023

A Council Rate Notice

Residents of Kempsey Shire Council are reminded to check their email inbox or mailbox for their latest Rates Notices, which were sent out recently.

The notices inform residents of the Council Rates due for the third quarter of the current financial year and are a reminder of the importance of paying on time.

Council’s Group Manager Financial Services, Ron Wood, encourages residents who receive their Rates Notices by email to check that they have received their notice and that they have all the information needed to make payments by the due date of 28 February. He also emphasises the benefits of registering to receive their Rates Notice by email through the eNotices service, rather than through the post.

"We understand that life can get busy and it's easy to miss important notices in the mail, so we encourage residents to register for our eNotices service," says Mr Wood.

"Once they do so, they can simply access and download their existing notices, making it easier to keep track of their payments and stay on top of their finances."

To register for the eNotices service, residents need the details found at the top of their instalment notice. The registration process is quick and easy, and residents can enjoy the convenience of receiving their rates notice directly in their inbox.

If residents don't receive their Rates Notice in their inbox, have a look in the spam and junk folders. To stop notices from landing in spam or junk folders, residents should check that their email settings allow attachments to be sent.

Council is committed to making life easier for residents, and the eNotices service is just one of the many ways they are doing so.

By registering for the eNotices service, residents can help Council reduce its environmental impact by saving paper and time on their end.

If you haven't already, head to Council's website today and register for the eNotices service. Make sure you have all the information you need to pay your Council Rates on time and feel good about the many benefits of receiving your notice by email.

Register for eNotices